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How to effectively proofread 6 years ago

Writing an article, research paper or essay in itself is a big task. It requires a lot of research and different tones and referencing and so on. All these can be done by hiring cheap writing services online. Anyone can write it with a lot of care but no one can avoid mistakes. It is given that even with the utmost care, as humans slips will occur. Even if the pieces are written by you or by any reputed online service, proofreading is essential to make sure it is effectively and properly written.

Tips for proofreading:

•A time before reading:

There has to be a time gap between writing the article and proofreading it. The mind needs to be clear from the previous perspective so that while proofreading mistakes can be identified which otherwise could be overlooked. It also helps to look at the piece with a fresh pair of eyes as a reader instead of a writer and will recognize the need for changes. Even if you have hired professionals from cheap writing services online, you need to proofread it and give it time before giving it another go.

•Double checking:

Double check all the referencing, citations, names, year or dates and quotes. It will never hurt to be extra sure that the entire things mentioned in the paper are correct and true. Also verify your sources twice.

•One type of problem at one time:

While reviewing, be focused on only one task at a time. Checking all spelling, grammar, punctuations, word choice, and voice choice at a single go might not be effective. Mistakes for one will be ignored while checking for the other. This can be time-consuming and will take a lot of effort which can be reduced if a cheap writing service is hired online.

•Read it aloud or review a hard copy:

Reading it aloud might help you to listen the tone of the lines written or might catch any wrong phrasing or spelling mistakes while reading it in a hard copy will change the print and will be in a different format which can help you to catch mistakes.


A personalized checklist will act as a guide. It is extremely helpful.

•Help from others or cheap writing services online:

Ask if somebody else can proofread it. Any friend or a trusted colleague can help. Cheap writing services also provide proofreading services at an economical cost.